The Gables will be closed through February 14, 2025 for annual maintenance. • On Saturday, February 8 from 12-4 P.M., our campus will be open for Grounds Passes and Museum Store access. No Mansion Tours will be offered. Salem’s So Sweet: Valentine’s Sweets, Crafts and Fun at The Gables will take place from 1-3 P.M. Click here to register.

Brick by Brick

We are pleased to announce the completion of the trolley stop memorial brick walkway. Over the past several months, our dedicated Development team has reached out to members of The Gables family to accomplish this worthwhile improvement to our campus. We are humbled by the support that was received. Many friends from The Gables past and present were very excited to share their memories of loved ones, in the dedication and donation of bricks, benches and trees to this newly refurbished area.

Thanks to this generosity, we are able to present a more welcoming face to our guests as they arrive for a visit, await a trolley ride, or contemplate their next adventure in our fair city. Three very fine benches replace the outdated waiting bench and the addition of trees in that space will provide needed shade and added interest in a formerly void area. The most important addition, however, are the memories so graciously inscribed on the bricks that were installed. Each one of those endearments brings forth the realization that The House of the Seven Gables has touched many a life in the one hundred plus years since its inception. With such a fitting tribute to our past, there is no doubt that we are well poised to face a bright future for The Gables in the years to come.

Many thanks go out to all of those who participated by the gift of a brick, tree or bench as well as those whose diligence helped bring this project to fruition. Special thanks go out to Karen Barter and the Development team for their planning and organization. We would like to recognize Robyn Kanter of Kanter Garden Designs for her work in planning the site and selecting the appropriate trees and plantings to enhance the area. Scott Thompson and crew of Thompson Garden Center in Salem worked hard in hot weather to complete the installation as well. The Gables staff was, as always, invaluable and supportive of this endeavor, exemplifying the very essence of the goals and values set forth by our founder so many years ago.


Date: September 17, 2015

Author: sperling

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