Photo and Film Shoots at The House of the Seven Gables
Guidelines on personal and professional shoots
To allow for the enjoyment of all visitors to The House of the Seven Gables and to help us care for our buildings, collections, and landscapes, we appreciate your compliance with our guidelines for personal and professional photography and videography. The House of the Seven Gables is first and foremost a historic site open for Mansion Tours, public and educational programs, and function rentals. The House of the Seven Gables occasionally contracts with photographers and videographers to use the properties as commercial location sites or to film for the promotional purposes of the organization. All professional film or photography sessions must first apply for consideration by contacting the Marketing and Communications Manager at Any required advance site visits will be scheduled at that time.
Personal/Recreational Photography
Personal/recreational photography is candid, souvenir‐type photography using a non‐paid photographer. The photographs are not to be used commercially. Costumes, props, and photo equipment such as tripods and large camera bags are prohibited. Large group photography for personal use requires advance reservations, including permission from the marketing department and coordination with Gables staff. Professional portraits of any kind are not considered personal/recreational photography.
Outdoor photography for personal use is permitted during regular operating hours. Visitors are welcome to take personal photographs on the exterior of the historic site. Visitors are not permitted to walk in plant beds or to handle any plants, plant containers, or outdoor sculpture.
Interior photography for personal use is allowed during Mansion Tours. The House of the Seven Gables and its Visitor Services team reserve the right to withhold and/or withdraw permission to photograph on its premises at any time due to crowd volume or other extenuating factors.
For the safety and comfort of our visitors and the protection of our historic sites, we ask that you be aware of your surroundings and stay with your group during Mansion Tours. Video and selfie sticks are not allowed inside. For safety, photography in or near the Secret Staircase is never allowed. Tour guides will announce the following as part of the site rules at the beginning of tours:
- Groups need to stay together and cannot delay the Mansion Tour experience.
- Non‐professional photography is permitted during tours.
- Please be aware and respectful of your surroundings, your fellow guests, and your tour guide.
- Please do not take photographs on or near staircases.
- Please do not take videos, use flash, or selfie sticks.
Professional/Commercial Photography
Professional photography is any session using a paid photographer or any professional‐style shoot, including wedding, family, or special event portraits. Professional photography is permitted when approved in advance and requires a signed contract between the photographer and The Gables, along with a security deposit and proof of liability insurance. The Gables charges $250/hour minimum during regular operating hours, and $500/hour minimum during off hours. A lanyard with credentials will be issued to all photographers. Full details and an agreement can be found in our contract.
A site visit is recommended in advance for indoor photoshoots, as the furnishings and stanchions cannot be moved. All requests that would like to go behind the stanchions must meet with the Collections Manager, and these projects will only be approved with their consent. Additional fees may apply.
Outdoor photography for commercial purposes requires advance approval and a contract. Guests and photographers are not permitted to walk in plant beds or handle plants, plant containers, or outdoor sculpture, including the placement of props or equipment. Photography involving nudity or explicit material is not permitted.
Wedding photography at The House of the Seven Gables is permitted exclusively to photographer(s) hired by the bridal parties renting the property as their special event venue.
All commercial photo shoot requests need to be made 30 days in advance. We cannot guarantee certain times. All requests are reviewed on a case‐by‐case basis and must include your name, use, publisher, and date of publication. Please apply by contacting the Marketing and Communications Manager at
Media Photography
Photography by the news media should be scheduled through Julia Wacker, Marketing and Communications Manager at
Drone Photography
Commercial or recreational use of drones is not allowed at The House of the Seven Gables unless it is for purposes deemed beneficial to the organization. Permission for drone flights at The House of the Seven Gables requires written approval from the marketing department. Requests must be made 30 days in advance.
Professional/Commercial Filming
Professional filming is any session using a paid videographer or production crew, or any professional‐style shoot. Professional filming is permitted when approved in advance and requires a signed contract between the videographer and The Gables, along with a security deposit and proof of liability insurance. Film shoots are subject to staff monitoring. The Gables charges $250/hour minimum during regular operating hours, and $500/hour minimum during off hours. A lanyard with credentials will be issued to all videographers. Full details and an agreement can be found in our contract.
All professional film applicants must attend a walk‐through of the Museum with a Museum Staff Member to discuss production set‐up before the application will be considered by the Museum. All requests that would like to go behind the stanchions must meet with the Collections Manager, and projects will only be approved with their consent. Outdoor filming for commercial purposes requires advance approval and a contract. Guests and videographers are not permitted to walk in plant beds or handle plants, plant containers, or outdoor sculpture, including the placement of props or equipment. Filming nudity or explicit material is not permitted.
Wedding filming at The House of the Seven Gables is permitted exclusively to videographer(s) hired by the bridal parties renting the property as their special event venue.
All professional video shoot requests need to be made 60 days in advance. We cannot guarantee certain times. All requests are reviewed on a case‐by‐case basis and must include your name, use, publisher, and date of publication. Please apply by contacting the Marketing and Communications Manager at
Media Filming
Film shoots by the news media should be scheduled through the marketing department at
Drone Filming
Commercial or recreational use of drones is not allowed at The House of the Seven Gables unless it is for purposes deemed beneficial to the organization. Permission for drone flights at The House of the Seven Gables requires written approval from the marketing department. Requests must be made two months in advance.
General Information
All requests for professional photography must be made a month in advance, and all requests for professional filming must be made two months in advance. Requests are reviewed on a case‐by‐case basis and must include your name, project description, publisher, and date of publication. The House of the Seven Gables reserves the right to withhold and/or withdraw permission to photograph or film at its sites or to reproduce content in its collections. Staff has the authority to approach anyone to enforce these rules. Failure to comply may result a request to leave the premises. Please follow any verbal instructions.