A new archival resource has been added to 7Gables.org! On our Collections & Archives page, you can now find a link to view a more detailed and constantly growing collection, the Archives Online. A generous donor, Ms. Selina Little, has allowed us to further our work and continue to make the archives collection accessible to the public.
Current items available to view in the Archives Online include an array of photos and documents from various collections: the Caroline Emmerton Papers, the Elizabeth Upton Haywood Eaton Collection, the Postcard Collection, the Hawthorne Family Papers, Settlement Association Records, and the Upton Family Papers. Please note that books and objects will be added at a future date.
Items you see in the Archives Online are arranged into collections headed by a collection guide (finding aid) followed by each item within that collection. If scrolling, collection guides (finding aids) appear before the individual items of each collection. You may also find the guides by searching in quotes: “A guide to the ___” followed by the collection name.
Our previous archival resource is still viewable, now entitled Sampling of the Archives. We are incredibly proud to offer these resources to all who are interested in learning about our Settlement Association, the people who lived and worked at the site, and the history of The Gables as an American icon.