The Gables will be closed through February 14 for annual maintenance. We will reopen Saturday, February 15 at 10 A.M.

Some exciting news…

We are excited to announce that we are extending our season through at least November 25!

Our staff has enjoyed welcoming visitors all season and we don’t want the fun to end. We look forward to sharing our updated Grounds Pass experience with everyone on Wednesday, November 11. We’ll be continuing with our narrated tour for your personal device and opening our Museum Store so you can pick up the perfect Salem souvenir. Tickets and more information will be posted on Wednesday, November 11. We will still be requiring advance ticket purchases to keep our staff and you as safe as possible.

As the weather gets colder, we are reviewing our state and local guidelines and also hope to offer some indoor experiences. Be sure to look for an announcement and information about these offerings.

Not ready to see us in person? That’s OK! You can take advantage of our Virtual Tour Package or immerse yourself with Intramersive’s walking tours – Hawthorne’s Shadow or Passages of the Past.




Date: November 6, 2020

Author: sperling

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