Open Daily 10 A.M. – 6 P.M. • Advanced tickets are strongly recommended.

Tickets for October 1-15, 2024 are now available.

Tickets for October 16-31, 2024 will be released on September 16 for Gables members, and September 19 for the general public.

Recognition for A Century of Stewardship

Preservation AwardThe House of the Seven Gables Settlement Association was received a 2018 Preservation Award from Historic Salem, Inc. at their annual meeting on May 4. The preservation awards highlight projects from across the city that support adaptive reuse, historic landscape preservation, neighborhood revitalization, and more. The Gables’ award highlights a century of stewardship of the National Historic Landmark District.

The House of the Seven Gables Settlement Association completed two milestones of a major project to restore two rooms on the second floor of the 1668 Turner-Ingersoll Mansion (also known as The House of the Seven Gables) to an earlier configuration: the Dining Room chamber and the Accounting Room.  The ultimate goal is to better serve the need for interpretive space and public access.  Restoring these spaces to previous configurations, reopening the Accounting Room and incorporating the Dining Room chamber into our guided tours will enable us to improve the logistical flow of the tour, share more stories about the residents of and visitors to the home, and exhibit more of the original, 1668 architecture, including the only remaining unaltered gunstock post.

The House of the Seven Gables is looking forward to a December partnership with Historic Salem, Inc. and their annual Christmas in Salem fundraiser. Stay tuned for details in the coming months!

Date: May 9, 2018

Author: sperling

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