The Gables will be closed through February 14, 2025 for annual maintenance. • On Saturday, February 8 from 12-4 P.M., our campus will be open for Grounds Passes and Museum Store access. No Mansion Tours will be offered. Salem’s So Sweet: Valentine’s Sweets, Crafts and Fun at The Gables will take place from 1-3 P.M. Click here to register.

The Future of Our Collections

Since the end of November, Susan Baker Leavitt and Zoë Quinn have been working to create a complete inventory of the objects stored and displayed on The House of the Seven Gables property. This project not only involves accounting for every item, but also rehousing them in a manner that will preserve them for the future, recording their locations and conditions, and making recommendations regarding the security and sustainability of each storage facility. Challenges are present in each of the campus’ storage facilities including lack of physical space, inadequate environmental controls, access to materials, and updating database entries.

Over the past month Susan and Zoë have completed an inventory of one of the seven storage areas on the campus, and rediscovered many gems along the way. Some of the highlights include ball gowns worn by residents of the home, a Chinoiserie sewing box, a 19th-century mouse trap, and a gorgeous Queen Anne chair.

Once the inventory of all the storage and public spaces is complete recommendations will be made for an updated collections policy that will help the organization better care for and make decisions for the future of its collections. All aspects of this project will help solidify The House of the Seven Gables as one of Massachusetts’ premier historical institutions.

Date: January 1, 2017

Author: sperling

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