The Gables will be closed through February 14, 2025 for annual maintenance. • On Saturday, February 8 from 12-4 P.M., our campus will be open for Grounds Passes and Museum Store access. No Mansion Tours will be offered. Salem’s So Sweet: Valentine’s Sweets, Crafts and Fun at The Gables will take place from 1-3 P.M. Click here to register.

The Gables' Garden

What a difference 12 days can make! The beautiful vintage seaside gardens are sprouting with new life, and well ahead of schedule. This was the scene on March 14th:

Just twelve days later, this is the state of the garden:

Vinca vine is in bloom, Robin Cantor, the master gardener for The Gables has added pansies for color, and the tulips are getting ready to bloom.

Even Dusty has left the comfort of the wrapping paper inside the Museum Store and has been spending his time wandering the grounds and greeting visitors…

We hope to see you soon at The Gables. 
Spring is one of the most beautiful times of year to enjoy the grounds and the ocean views.
Thank you for your virtual visit today.

Date: March 26, 2012

Author: sperling

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